Posted on by Laura Usher

DIY Yoni Steaming 

What is Yoni Steaming?

Vaginal steaming is an ancient practice that is thought to be beneficial in cleansing the vagina and uterus, regulating the menstrual cycle, easing the pain of period cramps and bloating, and aiding in healing and soothing after childbirth. The practice can also be very meditative.

The Yoni steam process involves sitting over a steaming pot of herb-infused water, generally for about 10-30 minutes per session depending on your body’s constitution and menstrual cycle history. As the steam rises and the herbs penetrate vaginal tissue, it is thought that the vagina and uterus are cleansed and soothed.


Why Yoni Steam?

There are many benefits of yoni steaming. It functions as a natural and simple method of cleansing and detoxifying the uterus and vagina. Yoni steaming can also aid in maintaining reproductive health, increasing fertility, and balancing hormones, which can help to regulate periods and ease unpleasant symptoms of menstruation such as cramps, headaches, and vaginal discomfort. 

Anyone with a vagina can experience the benefits of yoni steaming, especially those who suffer from painful or irregular periods, are looking to increase fertility, or are experiencing general discomfort. Yoni steam benefits are more than just physical. The practice has been used for ages to encourage mental and emotional wellbeing by improving symptoms of depression, anxiety, and fatigue.

Vaginal steaming provides benefits through natural herbs that soothe, balance, and nourish the reproductive system without disrupting the natural environment of the vagina and uterus.


How to Make Your Own At Home :

You can select from the herbs below and make your own custom blend. We recommend steaming with about a cup of herbs per sitting. You can measure out your herbs or intuitively throw some together.

All herbs have specific qualities that make them beneficial for health. Some herbs are drying and others are moisturising. Some herbs can shorten your cycle, while others can lengthen your cycle. Because herbs all have specific affects on the body, you should be very specific about which ones you choose to steam with.


Herbs To Use (you can find them in our DIY section):

Oregano: Antiseptic, cleansing and antispasmodic

Nettle: Anti inflammatory, stress reducing, and nourishes the adrenals.

Red clover: Hydrating, helpful for dryness brought on by menopause

Rose: Relieves menstrual cramps, heals skin conditions, soothes nerves, relieves stress, calms tissues, treats infections, anti-inflammatory

Motherwort: Helps prevent blood clots, improves circulation, nourishes emotions, uterine tonic, regulates menstruation, brings on delayed period, soothes cramps, calms pain

Raspberry leaf: Increases fertility, boosts immune, protects heart, anti-inflammatory, regulates hormones, treats skin conditions, strengthen and tones uterine muscles

Dong Quai: Treats amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea, relieves cramps, treats infertility, regulates estrogen levels, strengthens and tones uterine tissue, regulate menstrual cycle, increases blood flow, treats PCOS, endometriosis, cysts and fibroids, treats menopausal symptoms

Chamomile: Reduces muscle spasms, helps remedy PMS symptoms, treats menstrual disorders, treats skin conditions, anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic

St.Johns Wort: Relieves menopausal and PMS symptoms, treats skin conditions

Calendula: Heals skin conditions, relieves muscle spasms, eliminates cramps, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer

Rosemary: Improves mood, relieves pain, protects immune, increases circulation, detoxifies, prevents bacterial infection, treats skin conditions, increases hair growth, prevents cancer, reduces stress, balances hormones

Damiana: Used for many menstrual disorders, progesterone binding, helps with anxiety and depression, sexual stimulant

Basil: Calms stress, boosts immunity, breaks up mucus and phlegm, anti-inflammatory,  cleanses toxins

Sage: Anti-inflammatory, enhances brain function, alleviate night sweats and hot flashes, blesses and cleanse the body

Lavender: Calms stress, relaxes nervous system, helps regenerate cells, prevents scarring, heals wounds, anti-septic, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial


How To Steam:

    1.  Create a safe, calming and peaceful space for yourself
    2. Boil 2-3 cups of water per cup of herbs 
    3. Cover the herbs in boiling water, allow them to steep for about 10 minutes (you can also use small electronic hot plate/steamer to keep the herbs warm for longer)
    4. Place the bowl of herbs (and hot plate if you are using it) under your preferred seat. This may be a Yoni Stool, a clean toilet bowl or on the floor if you are using the child pose/squat method. 
    5. Cover your lower waist in a blanker or long skirt to prevent the steam from getting out
    6. Sit and relax. Allow the steam to permeate the vagina for 10-30 minutes. 
    7. You may also like to set an intention, meditate or journal during and after the experience. 


Precautions Before Use:

  • Do not steam if you’re pregnant or if you are trying to conceive; speak with a practitioner
  • Do not steam during your period  
  • Do not steam if you have an IUD
  • Do not steam if there is excess heat in the body due to fever, hot flashes, or night sweats
  • Do not use essential oils, they are too harsh for the vagina. stick with dried or fresh herbs.
  • Do not steam if you have any type of internal or external infection
  • Speak with a midwife about steaming postpartum
  • Speak with an herbalist or holistic practitioner if you are working to heal severe hormonal issues or infertility

DIY Yoni Steaming 

What is Yoni Steaming?

Vaginal steaming is an ancient practice that is thought to be beneficial in cleansing the vagina and uterus, regulating the menstrual cycle, easing the pain of period cramps and bloating, and aiding in healing and soothing after childbirth. The practice can also be very meditative.

The Yoni steam process involves sitting over a steaming pot of herb-infused water, generally for about 10-30 minutes per session depending on your body’s constitution and menstrual cycle history. As the steam rises and the herbs penetrate vaginal tissue, it is thought that the vagina and uterus are cleansed and soothed.


Why Yoni Steam?

There are many benefits of yoni steaming. It functions as a natural and simple method of cleansing and detoxifying the uterus and vagina. Yoni steaming can also aid in maintaining reproductive health, increasing fertility, and balancing hormones, which can help to regulate periods and ease unpleasant symptoms of menstruation such as cramps, headaches, and vaginal discomfort. 

Anyone with a vagina can experience the benefits of yoni steaming, especially those who suffer from painful or irregular periods, are looking to increase fertility, or are experiencing general discomfort. Yoni steam benefits are more than just physical. The practice has been used for ages to encourage mental and emotional wellbeing by improving symptoms of depression, anxiety, and fatigue.

Vaginal steaming provides benefits through natural herbs that soothe, balance, and nourish the reproductive system without disrupting the natural environment of the vagina and uterus.


How to Make Your Own At Home :

You can select from the herbs below and make your own custom blend. We recommend steaming with about a cup of herbs per sitting. You can measure out your herbs or intuitively throw some together.

All herbs have specific qualities that make them beneficial for health. Some herbs are drying and others are moisturising. Some herbs can shorten your cycle, while others can lengthen your cycle. Because herbs all have specific affects on the body, you should be very specific about which ones you choose to steam with.


Herbs To Use (you can find them in our DIY section):

Oregano: Antiseptic, cleansing and antispasmodic

Nettle: Anti inflammatory, stress reducing, and nourishes the adrenals.

Red clover: Hydrating, helpful for dryness brought on by menopause

Rose: Relieves menstrual cramps, heals skin conditions, soothes nerves, relieves stress, calms tissues, treats infections, anti-inflammatory

Motherwort: Helps prevent blood clots, improves circulation, nourishes emotions, uterine tonic, regulates menstruation, brings on delayed period, soothes cramps, calms pain

Raspberry leaf: Increases fertility, boosts immune, protects heart, anti-inflammatory, regulates hormones, treats skin conditions, strengthen and tones uterine muscles

Dong Quai: Treats amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea, relieves cramps, treats infertility, regulates estrogen levels, strengthens and tones uterine tissue, regulate menstrual cycle, increases blood flow, treats PCOS, endometriosis, cysts and fibroids, treats menopausal symptoms

Chamomile: Reduces muscle spasms, helps remedy PMS symptoms, treats menstrual disorders, treats skin conditions, anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic

St.Johns Wort: Relieves menopausal and PMS symptoms, treats skin conditions

Calendula: Heals skin conditions, relieves muscle spasms, eliminates cramps, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer

Rosemary: Improves mood, relieves pain, protects immune, increases circulation, detoxifies, prevents bacterial infection, treats skin conditions, increases hair growth, prevents cancer, reduces stress, balances hormones

Damiana: Used for many menstrual disorders, progesterone binding, helps with anxiety and depression, sexual stimulant

Basil: Calms stress, boosts immunity, breaks up mucus and phlegm, anti-inflammatory,  cleanses toxins

Sage: Anti-inflammatory, enhances brain function, alleviate night sweats and hot flashes, blesses and cleanse the body

Lavender: Calms stress, relaxes nervous system, helps regenerate cells, prevents scarring, heals wounds, anti-septic, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial


How To Steam:

    1.  Create a safe, calming and peaceful space for yourself
    2. Boil 2-3 cups of water per cup of herbs 
    3. Cover the herbs in boiling water, allow them to steep for about 10 minutes (you can also use small electronic hot plate/steamer to keep the herbs warm for longer)
    4. Place the bowl of herbs (and hot plate if you are using it) under your preferred seat. This may be a Yoni Stool, a clean toilet bowl or on the floor if you are using the child pose/squat method. 
    5. Cover your lower waist in a blanker or long skirt to prevent the steam from getting out
    6. Sit and relax. Allow the steam to permeate the vagina for 10-30 minutes. 
    7. You may also like to set an intention, meditate or journal during and after the experience. 


Precautions Before Use:

  • Do not steam if you’re pregnant or if you are trying to conceive; speak with a practitioner
  • Do not steam during your period  
  • Do not steam if you have an IUD
  • Do not steam if there is excess heat in the body due to fever, hot flashes, or night sweats
  • Do not use essential oils, they are too harsh for the vagina. stick with dried or fresh herbs.
  • Do not steam if you have any type of internal or external infection
  • Speak with a midwife about steaming postpartum
  • Speak with an herbalist or holistic practitioner if you are working to heal severe hormonal issues or infertility